Everyone is responsible for the environment in their own way, whether it be through recycling at home or taking public transportation to work. A footprint is a measurement of the impact that something has on our planet, and everyone has one. You will be surprised that even the littlest action we take in our day-to-day life has an impact on our environment.
To reduce your carbon footprint, follow these 10 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint:
1 . Cut Down On Meat Consumption.

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The production of meat is one of the most carbon-intensive activities. It requires 10 times more carbon to produce 1 kg of red meat than that of vegetables and is even more intensive for other types of meat like chicken or pork. Start small at first and move over to a more vegetable-based diet. Not only delicious and healthy but it will drastically reduce you and your households carbon footprint.
2 . Use Energy-Efficient Appliances
Using energy-efficient appliances can reduce the amount of electricity you use at home by 10-30%. Appliances may be 10-30% more expensive but they pay off in the long run. In general, switching to energy-efficient appliances will reduce your carbon footprint by 3-5%. Don’t forget that as an added bonus, the more energy-efficient the device. The more carbon and money you will save! Simple changes include switching to LED lightbulbs and going for the most efficient that you can afford.
3 . Walk/Take Public Transportation Whenever Possible
The production of gasoline is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and to keep car manufacturing sustainable it needs a steady supply of oil. So next time you need to visit the shop don’t get in the car, take in the fresh air and walk! Also, try taking regular walks, not only will it improve your physical and mental health but will reduce your carbon footprint!
4 . Turn Down The Heating And Stop That Draft

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You may not like it but keeping your home warm does use a lot of energy and is bad for the environment. Instead of having your heating set at a constant 20 degrees turn it down to 18 degrees instead! Not only will you save the planet but you will save money at the same time. Another option you could look into is insulating your home by reducing the amount of heat leakage. Start by inspecting your doors and windows and see where a breeze can be felt. Then reseal them and you’ll notice the difference almost straight away!
5 . Unplug Your Electronic Devices When You’re Not Using Them
Take a look around your home, count the electronic devices that are left on standby and just think of all the money you are wasting and how it is slowly and silently increasing your carbon footprint. Electronics continue to draw energy from the outlet even after they have been switched off- standby power is said to be 10% of a typical household’s total energy use.
6 . Choose A More Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Or Walk/Cycle To Work Every Day If Possible
You can make a difference by going green and choosing a hybrid car, using public transportation or walking when the opportunity presents itself. The average American uses up 460 liters of gasoline each year, not only does that add up just in cost but leaves a huge carbon footprint! So if you live close to your place of work walk or cycle you would be surprised how good you feel after a brisk walk or cycle.
7 . Take Shorter Showers And Fewer Baths
We all like a long soak in the bath but it can cost a lot to heat the water thus using more fuel making more carbon present in our atmosphere. Try having more showers if possible not only do they use less water but are more hygienic! If you want to go the extra step try using the shower for the shortest time possible or have a cold shower instead! Cold showers feel invigorating and use considerably less energy in generating piping hot water.
8 . Wash And Dry Clothes In Natural Sunlight
If you have a choice take your laundry outside. It not only saves electricity but using the natural sunlight also whitens your clothes as well! You can avoid washing and drying if you hang up clothes in direct sunlight especially on humid days, this will allow the sun to naturally de-wrinkle and freshen your clothes without using a single watt! If you don’t have a garden or don’t get much sunlight, try air-drying your clothes on a clothes horse instead of using your dryer.
9 . Buy Used Clothes Or Save/Sell Your Old Clothes
Old clothes are much better than washing your clothes too frequently. If you have 10 times worth of old clothes just wear them, recycle them into rags or donate to charities! You also can opt to sell your clothes to make some money and in return buy used clothes. So hit the vintage markets or look into one of the many preloved websites including Vinted, Shpock and other second-hand selling platforms.
10 . Avoid Single-Use Plastics
Many products we purchase in our day to day life are sold in single-use plastic wrapping and not only that they aren’t even recyclable! So avoid these products at all costs. Instead of using cling film or plastic wrap, use plant-based wax wraps instead for sandwiches and snacks. There’s also a great range of bamboo toothbrushes, metal razors and glass straws on the market.
Make sure your groceries are as fresh as they can be by keeping them in sustainable cotton or hemp cotton bags – no more plastic! And for those who prefer using a carrier bag instead of bringing their own, make sure it’s recyclable also or when its not fit purpose most supermarkets will exchange damaged bags for life and recycle them for you.
In Conclusion – 10 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint
Thank you for reading our article on 10 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint. While you’re here why not check out our blog and learning center for more interesting articles and information on other greener alternatives. Including articles on What is a Heat Pump and How Does It Work and What Are Magic Green Homes.